
2013 / 16mm / 40min (variable time) / Spain

Adriana Vila Guevara: 2x 16mm projectors
Luís Macias: 2x 16 mm projectors
Alfredo Costa Monteiro: electro-acoustics

This project deals deeply with perception, through loop film flickering images or incandescent light, produced by 16mm projectors, modified slide projectors,  abrasive sound and white noise, produced by home made electronics oscillators, modified radios and acousmatic sounds. Improvisation is essential through the collision of both senses: the eye and the ear submitted to vibration that creates oniric and hypnotic spaces. Intense flickering light and sonic vibration generates phantom images and sounds; what is seen seems no longer stable and what is heard seems to come from our inner ear. Every piece reveals its dramaturgy through experience, according to the comprehension of space that returns those vibrations mixed into air and light waves.

Close to some structural films due to its global narrative, but with the projection being expanded, 3quinox draws a strong link between structural cinema and musique concrète.


Zumzeig cinema, Sala de los cineastas, Barcelona, 2016
Cave 12, Ginebra, Suiza, 2015
Oslo 10, Bassel, Suiza,2105
Cinema Oblo, Lausanne, Suiza, 2105
Le 102, Grenoble, France,2105
Le Periscope, Lyon, France, 2015
(S8) Mostra Cine Periferico, A Coruña, 2014
Sonar Festival, Barcelona, 2014
MEM Festival Internacional de Arte Experimental, Bilbao, 2013
Antic teatre, Barcelona, 2013